soul care, liberation + legacy work in 2020


In August of 2019, I discerned it was time to take a sabbatical from community practice to focus on managing my grandmother’s care following a health crisis. Then “life and opportunity” showed up to affirm that decision when I was recruited to work with The Firecracker Foundation (where I am now one of the Co-Directors). So Sangha gathered for its final practice in November 2019 with the understanding that I would be on sabbatical to adjust to my new role while discerning when and how I would hold space during the spring.

March 2020, life and opportunity showed up this time in the form of a global pandemic to reaffirm how critical sacred rest is for fueling and fortifying one’s spiritual constitution. What followed next was devastating:

Black Folx. Murdered. By Police. Again. And Again. And Again. Without Remedy.

Police Killed 164 Black in 2020: Part I | Part II

Black Folx. Targeted. Stalked. Surveilled. Threatened. Accused. Attacked. Murdered. By Any White Man and Any White Woman who decided they didn’t have the right to breathe, to jog, to birdwatch, to bbq, to sell water, to walk into their own homes, to sleep inside their own beds…to SIMPLY EXIST. All Without Remedy. Racially-biased calls to the police. Racially-biased. Attacks. Racially-motivated. Murders. Racially-motivated. Hate Crimes.

The civil unrest in protest against white supremacy and the state-sanctioned murders of unarmed Black people stirred, amplified and crystallized the message that had already been emerging from the previously quieter months of rest, reflection, and restoration.

I am called and compelled to dedicate my energetic resources to the legacy work of justice, liberation, soul care and collective healing (via radical bodhicitta) in service of those who are disproportionately vulnerable to the harms of structural oppression. Namely, the Black, Indigenous, and Latinx youth I mentor, who are survivors of gender-based violence, along with others who embody multiply-marginalized identities.

 My work will not include leading and facilitating Sangha at this time.

I will continue to offer 1-with-1 spiritual direction and will be establishing a separate website with those services. In the meantime, information can be found here.

This site will continue to function as a historical marker of my spiritual journey.